Patient Eligibilty

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Improving the US insurance verification process, so doctors have more time to focus on what they do best, treat patients with care.

1. Discussion

2. Requirement

3. Development

1. Challenge

A California based company, realized the process of verifying a patient's insurance validity took too much time out of a doctor's day. Often, claims were submitted to the wrong insurance company, incorrect co-payments or deductible amounts were listed for specific procedures, or incorrect information was displayed for dependent coverage. The process was time consuming as every patient needed to be manually verified against each insurance company's web portal; and additional employees were required to conduct these checks.

2. Our Solution

We created a web-based application for doctors to easily check a patient's insurance status, which included a bulk processing feature to help hospitals streamline their insurance verification process.

3. Results

The solution we provided, helped improve the efficiency of the administration process, and eliminated human error in the verification process. Doctors were able to save verification results for future reference, and cataloging, allowing them to spend more time with patients. Additionally, doctors were able to reduce employee expenses, and monitor employee performance via reports displaying the number of verifications processed over a specific time period.